Vacation Bible School Clinics
There will be a clinic in Poplar Bluff at Temple Baptist Church on March 6th from 9:00-12:00 that is an overview of the "Magnified" theme. It is presented by the MBC and the fee is $8 for early bird and $10 at the door. Contact Christ Nance (314)795-0676 or for registration information or Patti Duncan at (573) 344-3076.
A similar clinic will also be presented on April 14th at 6:00 at the association office in Kennett. Patti will have samples of the "Magnified" material and helpful ideas to get ready for your VBS. You can also sign up for shared associational decorations.
The Missouri Baptist Heritage Scholarship Research Paper Writing Guide
Southwest Baptist University (SBU), Missouri Baptist University (MBU), Hannibal LaGrange University (HLGU), and Spurgeon College at Midwestern Seminary are cooperating with the Missouri Baptist Historical Commission to offer four- $2,000 scholarships annually to students attending SBU, HLGU, MBU, or Spurgeon.
Each $2,000 scholarship will be established through a $1,000 donation from the MBC Historical Commission and a $1,000 match from the school.
Applicants must do research and write a paper on some aspect of Missouri Baptist history. Papers submitted that do not cover some aspect of Missouri Baptist history will be deemed ineligible. All papers must be submitted no later than April 1 for the fall semester of the same year. Please submit in Microsoft WORD via email to
2025 Summer Intern Ministry
The 2025 summer intern ministry page is available by going to the resource page and then clicking on the summer internships link.
2025 Associational Bible Drills
Time: 2PM
Location: To Be Determined once we know how many we have participating.
We have a plan for your students regardless of how many you have in your church wanting to participate.
We have people ready to help your church begin Bible Drills at your church. Contact Bro. Paul at the association office for more information.
Beacon Newsletter February 2025
Check out our list of camp needs and plans to see where you can help us make camp the best it can be!!!
25 Camp McClanahan Work Needs & Plans